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50 Years of ATC

50 years of ATC

Do It Once, But Do It Right

The fact that the Acoustic Transducer Company – ATC for short – was founded in 1974 by Billy Woodman as an OEM driver manufacturer for the pro audio sector still resonates today, as much of the British manufacturer’ reknown is down to the excellent quality of their transducers.

50 Years of ATC

It all started with a relatively conventional 12-inch cone driver, but the first small ATC legend was created only two years later: in 1976, the SM 75-150s 75-millimeter midrange dome tweeter, famous to this day, saw the light of day and quickly gained an excellent reputation with its wide dispersion characteristics, broad bandwidth and, above all, its incredibly natural tonality. Thanks to constant further development and new, better materials, this midrange driver, still in production today, is as relevant as ever.

As a logical consequence of its driver expertise, ATC began building complete loudspeakers in the 1980s. At this time, the company also began to develop active crossovers. The development of the crossover model EC23 with integrated phase correction laid the foundation for the two models SCM50A and SCM100A, which are still very popular today both in the professional sector and among hi-fi enthusiasts. Here, too, the ATC philosophy of not only keeping a successful basic design up to date through constant evolution, but also ensuring that decades later it is still one of the best that money can buy, is clearly evident.

From Pink Floyd and Supertramp to Sony Music and Telarc, the list of ATC’s clients and partnerships ranges from the most prestigious studio suppliers. We wish them another 50 years of innovations that last for decades.

50 Years of ATC


The stated retail price of the reviewed device is valid as of the time of the review and is subject to change.